Business & tourism

The innovation and creativity of South Devon is incredible. We are a proud tourism and hospitality powerhouse, and I was pleased to protect these sectors during the pandemic by successfully leading the campaign to reduce VAT to 5%. But we also offer a great deal more.

To support our businesses, I have delivered two banking hubs and facilitated the creation of a new chamber of commerce, while I am also working with local groups to ensure that our needs are recognised in the national budget. These measures are helping to support local businesses and high streets.

Beyond this, I have also successfully lobbied for South Devon to be included in the Levelling Up Partnership, securing £20m for projects including Brixham Fish Market and the town’s regeneration. What is good for one area is good for all, and I am now set to share new opportunities for businesses through my trade and development plans, and will continue working to secure further investment and funding to South Devon.