Careers Fair

South Devon is home to an array of businesses in all sectors, from farming and fishing to photonics and pharmaceuticals. The opportunities are wide and varied but the awareness is not.

Unfortunately, many young people choose to move away from the area after they have finished their education, often because they are unaware of the opportunities available to them locally.

I therefore decided to work with local schools and colleges to hold a Careers Fair where local employers could meet and engage with young people. 

To date, I have:

  • Met with all local headteachers to introduce the idea and gain feedback
  • Confirmed South Devon College as the venue for the Careers Fair
  • Formed a working group with representatives from South Devon College and Heart of the South West LEP Careers Hub
  • Approached local businesses to attend as exhibitors

And finally:

I hope the Careers Fair will become an annual event and planning is already underway for 2023. This will be held on Thursday 12th October 2023, so if you are a local employer and interested in attending then please do get in touch. 
