Helping young people succeed and find local jobs

Ensuring young people reach their potential should be an ambition of each and every one of us. I have made it my mission to support our pre-schools, primary and secondary schools as well as to highlight the huge range of jobs and opportunities that can be found across South Devon.

With schools funding now at its highest level ever, I have engaged regularly with headteachers through my roundtable group, bringing down the Secretary of State for Education and other Ministers to ensure we are delivering in our schools, colleges and academies.

My annual careers fair has brought together hundreds of local businesses and thousands of students to help exhibit the wide range of apprenticeships and jobs that are on offer locally. It has shown that the South Devon economy is not just about tourism and hospitality but about photonics, pharmaceuticals, engineering, computing and whole lot more.

Through my support of South Devon College, I have helped to secure over £3 million pounds of investment into skills and training, so that people of all ages can take advantage of this national leading education and skills training facility.