Looking after people

The strength of any community is demonstrated by how we look after the elderly, vulnerable and ill. It’s been my pleasure to see the opening of the Health and Wellbeing Centre in Dartmouth and the reopening of Totnes MIU. My work to protect local services has seen each town’s surgeries and GPs protected from closure. However, there is more to do to develop our rural healthcare.

I have worked alongside volunteer groups and caregivers to ensure that South Devon’s needs are always raised in Parliament. It is for this reason that I am working on a new Dentistry model that clears the backlog and provides the care that residents need.

Through the pandemic and the energy crisis, my team and I have worked tirelessly to provide support and assistance for those who need it. Working with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Job Centre, we have helped countless people get back on their feet. Coupled with the measures provided by Government, we have been one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to supporting its citizens.