Support for pharmacies

Thank you for contacting me about the support available to pharmacists. 

I would like to acknowledge the valuable and skilled work undertaken by pharmacists throughout the country every day. Community pharmacies do much more than simply dispense medicine, they play a vital role in our communities, offering advice and care. 

A renewed focus on prevention has resulted in pharmacists playing a greater role in the delivery of healthcare services. In response to greater pressures experienced by some pharmacies, a five-year investment in community pharmacies has been agreed, securing a total of almost £13 billion. I further welcome the commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan to recruit up to an additional 20,000 primary care staff to include pharmacists. Additional resources will allow a shared workload and greater support for pharmacy teams.  

Alongside measures to increase resources, support for healthcare professionals is a key NHS priority. In the NHS People Plan, published in 2020, a number of measures have been put forward with this in mind - namely safe spaces to rest and recuperate, psychological support, support for people through sickness, physically healthy work environments and support to switch off from work. I warmly welcome these measures, and will work with local health organisations to support their implementation. 

I further welcome the powerful campaigns, advice and services offered by Pharmacy Support. The recent focus on the health and well-being of those who dedicate their lives to the health and well-being of the public is encouraging.