Organ donation and transplant services

NHS Blood and Transplant offers a vital service for those in need of an organ transplant. The Government has taken a number of steps so far to improve outcomes for patients, but there is still a lack of awareness on the subject and regional disparity when it comes to transplant services.

To date I have:

  • Met many times with local organ donation campaigners
  • Held a Westminster Hall debate to discuss the Organ Donation and Transplantation Strategy
  • Asked the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to look into the factors affecting the success of organ donation including logistical and geographical issues, to see what lessons can be learnt from other countries, and to ensure the process for joining the Organ Donor Register is as easy as possible
  • Met with Professor Cramp of University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and the British Liver Trust to learn more about liver disease diagnosis as well as liver transplant services in the South West
  • Written to South West MPs asking them to join me in supporting a proposal for a new liver transplant centre in Plymouth
  • Written to NHS Blood and Transplant to seek clarification on some of the current issues experienced by those on the organ transplant list
